Policy Brief: Implications, Impacts and Recommendations on Conflict, Migration and the Spread of Infectious Animal Diseases
Da oggi è disponibile la short version del “Policy Brief: Implications, Impacts and Recommendations on Conflict, Migration and the Spread of Infectious Animal Diseases” prodotto nel contesto del progetto H2020 DEFEND (Grant agreement N. 773701) come attività finale del Work Package 3 “Conflict, Migration and Virus Spread” di cui VSF Italia è co-leader assieme all’Istituto Universitario Europeo. Si tratta di un documento dove sono raccolte osservazioni e analisi sull’impatto dei conflitti e delle migrazioni sulla sanità animale e sulla diffusione delle malattie animali transfrontaliere (Transboundary Animal Diseases, TADs).
Grazie alla collaborazione con gli assistenti locali coinvolti nel progetto e dei partner del WP3 il documento è ad oggi disponibile in italiano, inglese, serbo, bulgaro, albanese e rumeno.
Clicca qui per richiedere la short version.
Se sei interessata/o alla full version del documento scrivi a info@veterinarisenzafrontiere.it e giorgia.angeloni@gmail.com
Guarda sotto il video riassuntivo sulla metodologia usata e sui risultati ottenuti.
Policy Brief: Implications, Impacts and Recommendations on Conflict, Migration and the Spread of Infectious Animal Diseases
From today, the short version of the “Policy Brief: Implications, Impacts and Recommendations on Conflict, Migration and the Spread of Infectious Animal Diseases” produced in the context of the H2020 DEFEND project (Grant agreement N. 773701) is available as the final activity of Work Package 3 “Conflict, Migration and Virus Spread” of which VSF Italia is co-leader together with the European University Institute. It is a document where observations and analyses are collected on the impact of conflicts and migrations on animal health and on the spread of transboundary animal diseases (Transboundary Animal Diseases, TADs).
Thanks to the collaboration with the local assistants involved in the project and the WP3 partners, the document is currently available in Italian, English, Serbian, Bulgarian, Albanian and Romanian.
Click here to request the short version.
If you are interested in the full version of the document, write to info@veterinarisenzafrontiere.it
Here’s the summary video on the methodology used and the results obtained.