Goats and donkeys in the Kaffrine and Louga region in Senegal: animal species to be valorised for sustainable development – PHASE 2


Senegal – Kaffrine Region: Departments of Malem Hodar and Koungheul. Louga Region: Linguère Department.

VSF Italia


AVRB – Association des Villageois Riverains de la Vallée du Baobolong (Kaffrine Region)

GIE Le Djolof – Economic Interest Grouping Le Djolof (Louga Region)

The Ministry of Livestock and Animal Production of Senegal

The Regional and Departmental Livestock and Animal Production Services

ONG COMI – Cooperazione per il Mondo In via di sviluppo (Base di Kaffrine)

Brooke Senegal

Provincia autonoma di Bolzano – Alto Adige


12 months


The agricultural and livestock sector are the predominant employment sectors of the Senegalese population, but are heavily influenced by environmental factors, climate change (drought now predominates over the short rainy season) and lack of investment in agricultural innovation and training.

Goats and donkeys are breed by vulnerable social groups (mainly women and children) who disregard their productive potential (goat milk) as well as the health and ethical aspects of their use for transport and agricultural purposes (donkeys), with negative economic, cultural and social consequences.

The project aims to continue the improvement of the local economy already set up with phase 1 of the project, through the creation of two pilot goat-breeding nuclei to be managed by local beneficiaries following ad hoc training, also emphasising mowing techniques and fodder production.

As far as the donkey sector is concerned, the phase 1 of the project established three donkey health centres useful for health prevention and treatment of emergencies at the Kaffrine region. These same centres will be replicated at three other locations in the Kaffrine and Louga regions.

Awareness-raising on respect and good health management of the donkey species will be implemented and deepened in three other Senegalese departments in collaboration with the partner Brooke Senegal: the topics covered by the courses will be in particular on good management and respect for donkeys, goat breeding, nutrition, also through the introduction of fodder crops, and the modern approach to farriery and hoof care, a practice that is not very common at these latitudes and that, if not performed correctly, can lead to health problems for the animals.

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