Project "PARFEC"

Support to urban and peri-urban livestock supply chains in the Central African Republic.

The project aims to improve food safety for the population of Bangui and its surrounding areas by increasing the supply of high-quality animal protein at an affordable price. To this end, the project aims to strengthen the economic and organizational services of small-scale livestock production in the neighborhoods of the capital and the towns of Bimbo and Bégoua.

SIVtro VSF Italia is the technical advisor for all activities related to livestock, structural, organizational, and skills strengthening of partners and beneficiaries.

Central African Republic.


The project adopts a comprehensive approach to short-cycle livestock supply chains and supports:

  • producers and their organizations, as well as representative organizations;
  • training and information structures regarding livestock, whether private (FNEC – National Festival of Civil Economy), public (ANDE; ACDA – Cuneo Water Company) or semi-public (Camera dell’Agricoltura – Chamber of Agriculture);
  • producers of raw material (livestock and animal feed) represented by several professional associations (ANGAC – National Association of Independent Fuel Managers; ANEP- National Association for Prenatal Education; FNPAC – National Federation of Fishermen and Aquaculturists of Central Africa);
  • a university training center in the field of livestock development (ISTE in Bouar and LERSA in Bangui).


Bêkou Fund (European Union)

CRS – CORDAID, CARITAS – CALEBASSE – FNEC, Producer associations: ANGAC-ANEP-FNPAC, Government agencies: ANDE – ACDA, SIVtro VSF Italia, Camera di Agricoltura, ISTE in Bouar and LERSA.

3.722.613,04 €

30 months (June 2017 – December 2019)

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