Innovation in remote livestock monitoring in transhumance areas
A project of CIRC, Astrocast and VSF Italy, in collaboration with NGO COMI and local authorities.
Read the latest news from Veterinari Senza Frontiere Italia.
A project of CIRC, Astrocast and VSF Italy, in collaboration with NGO COMI and local authorities.
The “Goats and donkeys” project, funded by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Italy, is intertwined with the wonderful work of BROOKE WEST AFRICA in Senegal
May 24 saw the conclusion of the project “Healthy Eating – Interventions to strengthen the control system of food of animal origin”, carried out in the Saharawi refugee camps in Algeria.
In accordance with the principles of international solidarity, VSF Italia has been cooperating with the Saharawi people for more than twenty years, working side by side to fight poverty, improve animal health and contribute to food security and sovereignty.
Headquarters c/o Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie
Viale dell’Università, 10 (AGRIPOLIS)
35020 Legnaro (Padua)
Tel.: +39 049 8084195
E-mail: info@vsf-italia.it
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